
Call for Papers: ‘Digital Technologies, Public Policy and Competition Law’

On 1 and 2 June 2023, the “Digital Technologies, Public Policy and Competition Law” conference will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in the framework of Law Sector Plan Rebalancing Public and Private Interests (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Law Sector Plan Digital Legal Studies (Tilburg University).  Junior and senior competition (law) scholars are invited to present their contributions on whether and how EU competition law can tackle the growing power of digital technologies in relation to various public policy objectives, while balancing public and private interests accordingly. The deadline to submit extended abstracts is 27 February 2023. For more information, click here.

Dr. Ioannis Kampourakis, awarded grant by Partners for a New Economy

Dr Ioannis Kampourakis and Dr Anna Chadwick (University of Glasgow) were awarded a grant of €193,000 by Partners for a New Economy to develop the Law and Political Economy in Europe network. ‘Law and Political Economy in Europe’ will constitute a platform for academics, practitioners, and activists seeking to highlight and challenge the distributive effects of legal regimes, to use the law as an instrument for social transformation, and to engage in institutional imagination for the construction of a more democratic political economy. A number of events are already planned, including a Training Workshop on Strategic Litigation in Spring 2023 and a Summer Academy at the end of June 2023 – both taking place at Erasmus School of Law.

Third call for applications for the Small Grants Scheme of the sector plan of Erasmus School of Law opened!

The call is open to ESL researchers planning activities such as, collecting or generating data, organising an event or workshop, or applying for a competitive grant that is relevant to the sector plan objectives and opens on 15 December 2022 and closes on 15 March 2023. E-mail for more information. 

Conference: The Law and Political Economy of Business and Human Rights. A Turn to Root Causes?

Last 10 and 11 November, Erasmus School of Law and the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen hosted a conference on the Law and Political Economy (LPE) of Business and Human Rights (BHR). Event page.

University of Groningen
Faculty of Law
Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus School of Law
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
